Saturday 11 February 2012

The Iron King!

Hello and welcome,

To start off todays blog, I thought I would show you all of what I have got done on the painting front:

Bane Knights

Warwitch Siren

I converted this model form the eAlexia and a Warwitch Siren to give a variety to my army.

Iron Haven's 35pt Iron king tornument

In my last post I said that I would be attending the Iron King at Iron Haven Games in Exeter and blogging about how I got on. Unfortunately, the camera I took to the event died on me so was unable to take pictures of my games. So this wirte up will be a bit wordy so I am sorry about that.

My List:

The Witch Coven of Garlghast (*5pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Stalker (4pts)
* Deathjack (12pts)
Bane Knights (Leader and 9 Grunts) (10pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)
Warwitch Siren (2pts)

My first game was against Pat Vance, a very experienced Legion player who is well recognised on the warmachine/hordes scene.
I won the roll and set up first, deploying centrally with the bane kinghts protecting the Coven. The Warwitch Siren and the two Deathrippers were on either flank, the Stalker went on the left flank as well with Deathjack in the center of the field.
I can't rember the list that Pat took but his warlock was pThagrosh. He deployed centrally with two deathstalkers on my right flank.
My first turn was spent advancing up the table towards Pat's battle line. I used Infernal machine on the Stalker through the arc node and then cycled Infernal machine onto Deathjack who then also ran up the board. One main mistake I made this turn was not putting stealth on to the Bane Knights- I would pay for this mistake. The next few turns involved Pat moving up and shooting the Bane Knights with the Deathstalkers. Deathjack killed Pat's Carnivean but took a fair amount of damge from spiny growth, but Deathjack was taken down in Pat's next turn. The game wrapped up with Pat tabling me, so not such a good start to the day!
My second game was against a local gamer called Mike. He was running his Cygnar. I deployed similarly to my first game. I won the roll and advanced up the field and Deathjack had advanced deployed so got up the table quickly. Mike advanced slowly up the table protecting Sloan behind a wall of Precursor Knights. Unfortunately for Mike, Sloan was in range of a very cheeky trample from an Infernal Machine-buffed Deathjack who, loaded on five focus, killed Sloan in two attacks on turn 2. Fastest caster kill of the day.
In my third game I played Matt Beer, another local player with his Retribution force run by Rahn. The scenario was Incoming from Steamroller 2012. My deployment was the same as my first two games. In this scenario the caster has to control an objective and the army has to contest an opposing rectangle. Matt had moved up the board quickly  engaging me with the Mage Hunter Assassins, while my stalker was pushing Matts left flank but faillng to get into combat with Rahn. I mucked up my activation on a trampling Deathjack, forgetting to buy attacks against the models I had moved into melee range with. The game ended with Matt killing my Coven with a Magehunter. What I should have done was advanced my Caster onto the objective and camped my army and aimed for the win on control points. Also, buying attacks after Deathjack trampled would have been helpful!

The last game of the day was against Mike again in a Mangled Metal game.

My mangled metal list was:

The Witch Coven of Garlghast (*5pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Stalker (4pts)
* Stalker (4pts)
* Deathjack (12pts)
* Slayer (6pts)

I had my Stalkers threaterning the flanks of Mikes army with Deathjack and the Slayer moving up the center of the board. Mike advanced up putting some damge on to Deathjack from some ranged attacks. The next few turns involved me moving into combat with Mike's jacks, killing two of them and knocking one down from a headbutt. The game ended with my Stalker killling Sloan....again!

All in all a very good day. I finished in 13th out of 18, doing far better than I did last year (picked up worst general with my Skorne)! I made a few mistakes in my games and need to work on getting attrition points. I also need to aim to get more control points in my games as I think if I had done this, I would have come higher on the leaderboard.

On a side note I got some feedback on my narrative battle reports saying I need some context of why the Coven are on the mainland. I like to think the Coven are part of an incursion, in search of magical items to further their dark knowledge. In the battle against Retirbution, the Coven are looking for some arcane items to add to the pile of stolen treasure that the Cryx forces are plundering from tombs of ancient warcasters and warlocks of the Iron Kingdoms.

Thanks for reading.

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